Platform6Documenta11 Recently

Co-Ordinates of Everyday Life, or, 28.28 N/77.15 E : : 2001/2002


Co-Ordinates of Everyday Life, or, 28.28 N/77.15 E : : 2001/2002

Monica Narula (Raqs Media Collective)

The Raqs Media Collective exhibited Co-Ordinates of Everyday Life or, 28°28’ N / 77°15’ E: 2001/02: on Documenta11 (2002). This video shows a fragment of this work. It tells the story of how land was transformed to produce cities, and the conflict around land and habitat in the transformation into city.

About the Platforms

In the course of our research and preparation for Documenta11 in 2002 the curatorial team discussed the possibility of organising a sixth platform. It would feature the voices of artists, curators, critics and intellectuals formed by the experience of Documenta11 and its various platforms. The spirit of the event should be that of “reculer pour mieux sauter”, looking back to look forward, using the event to reformulate the issues most urgent to our practices just as Documenta11 itself enabled us to rethink our political, cultural and aesthetic engagements.

Documenta11 team members Ute Meta Bauer, Angelika Nollert and myself visited Okwui in Munich where he was confined by illness but where he continued to work on his Haus der Kunst and critical and curatorial projects.

Introduction by Mark Nash, Ute Meta Bauer and Angelika Nollert

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