

What is Platform6?

In the course of our research and preparation for Documenta11 in 2002 the curatorial team discussed the possibility of organising a sixth platform. It would feature the voices of artists, curators, critics and intellectuals formed by the experience of Documenta11 and its various platforms. The spirit of the event should be that of reculer pour mieux sauter, looking back to look forward, using the event to reformulate the issues most urgent to our practices just as Documenta11 itself enabled us to rethink our political, cultural and aesthetic engagements.

Documenta11 team members Ute Meta Bauer, Angelika Nollert and myself visited Okwui in Munich where he was confined by illness but where he continued to work on his Haus der Kunst and critical and curatorial projects. With his health deteriorating we began discussing projects such as the Exhibition Grief and Grievance with the New Museum in New York, the Sharjah Biennial where Okwui planned to present Post-Colonial, the companion exhibition to the Haus der Kunst Post War, and Platform6 which he proposed that I initiate. We approached the current managing director of documenta, Sabine Schormann, the documenta archiv and the artistic direction of documenta 15 ruangrupa to propose a collaboration on this project.

The original plan was for an international conference in Kassel in 2019, but early in the planning purposes this had to be postponed because of Covid 19. Instead, with their encouragement we began to plan this website. This is intended as an open text, a resource comprising contributions from collaborators on Documenta11 as well as other of Okwui’s ground breaking exhibitions.  The hope is that it will encourage readers and participants to explore the history of Documenta11 and its continuing relevance today.

This is a project of the documenta archive who have been researching and restoring material from the 2002 exhibition, including recordings of the platform conferences, and arranging reprints of key Documenta11 Platform and Exhibition texts, much of this material not available since 2002. At the same time we have begun to receive many exciting contributions from artists, curators and critics which you will find on the web pages which follow. New thinking for new times we hope. Please join us in developing this project.

The documenta archive is a continuous research institution working with the history of the documenta exhibitions. The focus on Documenta11, apart from its critical success as important as Harald Szeemans documenta 5, is occasioned by the so premature death of Okwui Enwezor and the commitment of the curatorial team, ruangrupa and documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH to honour Okwui’s legacy. Indeed it was the wish of the mayor of Kassel to honour Okwui that was one of the spurs to action on this project.

We invite contributions which serve to advance the global perspectives which Okwui and his collaborators initiated. Okwui was adamant that however relevant as the history of Documenta11 might be today, we should be using this opportunity to use these tools to project future research and projects.

You will find a web interface designed by L2M3 communication design to facilitate the exploration of the original Documenta11 and linked by an ingenious colour coding to present your contributions. Please send your contribution to the following address: platform6@documenta.de

Mark Nash, Ute Meta Bauer and Angelika Nollert

How is Platform6 structured?

The landing page features impressions of Okwui Enwezor and Documenta11, 2002, as well as other materials that provide an introduction to the project.
The upper menu bar has current contributions about Enwezor and Documenta11 Recently and, under Talks, related interviews and conversations.
The lower menu bar will take you to an overview of the previous five platforms of Documenta11. A selection of contributions from Platform1–4 has been made available in the form of texts or videos. Under Platform5, an image gallery and excerpts from the exhibition catalog offer a look back at the exhibition.
Using the menu on the right, you can filter contributions by keywords or conduct a full text search in the Search field. The About field provides information about Platform6 and its initiators and organizers.
The videos about Platform1–4 have been edited for the website. This historical material does not meet today's standards for image and sound quality.
Platform6 will be updated with new, additional content at regular intervals.

Credits of Platform6

Special thanks to the curatorial team:
Mark Nash, Ute Meta Bauer, Angelika Nollert

and Vladimir Seput, UC Santa Cruz

Idea: Sabine Schormann
Concept: Martin Groh

Realization: documenta archiv team
Birgitta Coers, Martin Groh
Coordination and editing: Alexandra Winterhoff
Image- and text-editing: Natalie Schmidt
Video-editing, images, film and media restoration: Michael Gärtner, Maximilian Preuss

Webdesign and technical implementation: L2M3 Kommunikationsdesign, Stuttgart

Platform6 - Opening Adress

Documenta11 Team 2001/2002

Okwui Enwezor (in the middle) ends Documenta11 with (from the left) Ute Meta Bauer (co-curator), Sarat Maharaj (co-curator), Susanne Ghez (co-curator), Mark Nash (co-curator) and Angelika Nollert (project manager)
© Lothar Koch
Co-Curator Documenta11: Ute Meta Bauer
© Werner Maschmann
Co-Curator Documenta11: Mark Nash
© Photo: unknown / Courtesy of the curator
Co-Curator Documenta11: Carlos Basualdo
© Werner Maschmann
Co-Curator Documenta11: Susanne Ghez
© Werner Maschmann
Co-Curator Documenta11: Octavio Zaya
© Werner Maschmann
Co-Curator Documenta11: Sarat Maharaj
©Werner Maschmann
Okwui Enwezor
© documenta archiv / Photo: Ryszard Kasiewicz

Captions Landing Page

Okwui Enwezor
© documenta archiv / Photo: Ryszard Kasiewicz
Queue in front of the Museum Fridericianum
© documenta archiv / Photo: Ryszard Kasiewicz
"Double bass solo, opus 45" by Hanne Darboven is being set up at the Museum Fridericianum
© Hanne Darboven / Photo: Werner Maschmann / Hanne Darboven Stiftung, Hamburg / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024
Museum Fridericianum
© documenta archiv / Werner Maschmann


In the Platform6 library, the documenta archiv makes both historical and new text contributions from the platforms available as PDF downloads. The texts can be downloaded under the respective contributions as well as in the overview in the library.
Texts that have previously been published and republished on Platform6 are not made available as downloads due to copyright restrictions. The credit lines of the first publications are indicated under the respective contributions.


Vivan Sundaram’s exhibition, ‘Disjunctures’, at Haus der Kunst, Munich

Documenta11 Recently

Reflections on Okwui Enwezor, Platform VI Regarding Critical Globalism for the 21st Century


Creole Concerns


Exhibiting the Postcolonial Constellation

documenta fifteen

The Past in the Present – A Conversation between Co-Curators and Team of Documenta11 with Artistic Directors of documenta fifteen – Part 1


The Past in the Present – A Conversation between Co-Curators and Team of Documenta11 with Artistic Directors of documenta fifteen – Part 2

Democracy 2001

Platform1 Democracy Unrealized


Democracy, Globalization, and Difference


Identity, Relativism, and the Liberal State


Deepening Liberal Democracy


The Prospects of Radical Politics Today


For an Agonistic Public Sphere


Democracy, Capitalism, and Transformation


Global Justice and the Failure of Deliberative Democracy


The Roma and Democracy: A Nation without a State


Inequality, Democracy, and Parliamentary Discourses


New Rules of the New Actonomy 3.0


The State of Hate in America: The Growing Conflict Between Identity Politics and Multiculturalism


Arquitectos Sin Fronteras—España (ASF-E)


Demokratische Offensive


Enacting the Unrealized: Political Theory and the Role of „Radical Democratic Activism“


The Subject of Politics — The Politics of the Subject


Beyond Diversity: Cultural Studies and Its Postcommunist Other


Globalization and Democracy


Democracy, Economics, and the Military


Democracy De-realized


Awaiting The Beautyful Ones


Democracy between Autonomy and Heteronomy


In Search of Dynamic Republicanism for the 21st Century


Liberal Democracy and Its Slippages

Truth 2001

Platform2 Experiments with Truth: Transitional Justice and the Processes of Truth and Reconciliation


Making Sense of Political Violence in Postcolonial Africa


Different Kinds of Truth: The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission*


Is Truth the Road to Reconciliation?*


Truth and Reconciliation Are Not What We Really Need


The „Melancholization“ of the Witness: The Impotence of Words, the Power of Images


Sagas of Victory, Memories of Defeat? The Long Afterlife of an Indo-Muslim Warrior Saint, 1033-2000


The Order of Truth and the Order of Society


A Finer Balance: An Essay on the Possibility of Reconciliation


Trauma and Truth


The Persistence of Memory: The Search for Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation


An Experiment in International Criminal Justice: The Philosophy, Methodology, and Working of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia


Facts versus Truth: The Dilemmas of a Reluctant Member of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission


Torture, Recovery, and Truth in Morocco


The Search for the Truth Before the Courts


Transitional Justice as Liberal Narrative


The Denial of Justice and the Loss of the Subject


Archive Images: Truth or Memory? The Case of Adolf Eichmann’s Trial


It is Difficult


African Literature and the Rwandan Expedition


Constructing Memorials


Between Truth and Reconciliation: Experiments in Theater and Public Culture

Créolité 2001

Platform3 Créolité and Creolization


Créolité and the Process of Creolization


Paradise, Primitivism, and Parody


Global Islands


Sound Systems Against the “Unsound System” of Babylon: Rude/Lewd Lyrics vs. Nude Tourists in Jamaica


Creolizing Vision


The Length of the Breath

Under Siege 2002

Platform4 Under Siege: Four African Cities, Freetown, Johannesburg, Kinshasa, Lagos


The Visible and Invisible: Remaking Cities in Africa


Order and Disorder in African Cities: Governance, Politics, and Urban Land Development Processes


Figures of the Subject in Times of Crisis


Popular Shaping of Metropolitan Forms and Processes in Nigeria: Glimpses and Interpretations from an Informed Lagosian


Fragments of a Lecture on Lagos


„There’s Space for Africa in the New South Africa (?)“: African Migrants and Urban Governance in Johannesburg


Freetown: From the „Athens of West Africa“ to a City Under Siege: The Rise and Fall of Sub-Saharan First Municipality


The Production of the City and Urban Informalities: The Borough of Thiaroye-sur-mer in the City of Pikine, Senegal


Housing in Marrakech: The Contradictions of Public Interventions

Documenta11 2002

Preface of Documenta11_Platform5: Exhibition Short Guide


The Black Box, 2002


The Space of Documenta11. Documenta11 as a Zone of Activity


Realities of the Artistic Imagination


Art and Cinema: Some Critical Reflections

About the Platforms

In the course of our research and preparation for Documenta11 in 2002 the curatorial team discussed the possibility of organising a sixth platform. It would feature the voices of artists, curators, critics and intellectuals formed by the experience of Documenta11 and its various platforms. The spirit of the event should be that of “reculer pour mieux sauter”, looking back to look forward, using the event to reformulate the issues most urgent to our practices just as Documenta11 itself enabled us to rethink our political, cultural and aesthetic engagements.

Documenta11 team members Ute Meta Bauer, Angelika Nollert and myself visited Okwui in Munich where he was confined by illness but where he continued to work on his Haus der Kunst and critical and curatorial projects.

Introduction by Mark Nash, Ute Meta Bauer and Angelika Nollert

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